Access control
Access card infringements, time and attendance
Direct connection and management of access control devices using VideoNet system. Can be used for access control on sites of any size: from a small office to a large campus.
VideoNet allows to create common access rules for controllers offered by different manufacturers.
Access rules:
- Working hours/schedules
- User groups
- Device groups
Using rules you can create algorithms or their combinations.
Rules: access to facility areas according to security level, locking, person locator, person tracking, wide selection of the reports.
Tasks: transit using access card issued to another cardholder, double transit, transit via non-locked door (you can configure alarm event if door stays open longer that specified time), non-authorized time transit, tampered door, etc.
Integration of video surveillance with access control enables to improve situational awareness, expand functional capabilities of access control system and make video available as evidence.
Add access control devices to graphical plan of the facility for comprehensive monitoring across the protected facility. In convenient manner operator can manage intrusion & fire alarm devices directly on graphical plan of a facility. Using multi-level graphical plans facilitates in facility monitoring, improves situational awareness and enables to see complete status overview of all shown devices and easily manage them individually or in groups. Using visual indications, VideoNet alerts operator about alarm and status of devices shown on graphical plans enabling him/her to quickly reveal any incident.

Time and attendance
VideoNet system enables you to record the employees working time, control their presence or absence at working places, late comings and extra hours.
The VideoNet solution offers a wide selection of settings to completely automate employees’ time & attendance using access cards. You can effectively improve safety and security in your company and employees discipline. This functionality especially gives added value to organizations where the employee salaries depend on the amount of working hours.

Clear and detailed reports
A vast variety of reports is available to show actual working schedule of employees, analyze amount of work done and causes of working time lost.
Reports can be generated for specific dates, employees, departments or a whole organization. Basic reports can be easily exported in pdf, xls, html, rtf or bmp format for further use in other company’s electronic document systems.
Analytical report "Working time"
Can be used to analyze presence or absence of the employees at the workplace during each day of the selected time interval and his/her actual attended time.
Different time intervals and filters can be configured for employees and departments.
Report includes:
- Actual time period during which employee was at his/her workplace during the day, i. e. regardless daily schedule for that day (Actual Time);
- Time period during which employee was present at his/her workplace as specified in his/her work schedule (daily schedule intervals can be configured in Working Schedule section);
- Time period during which employee was not present at his/her workplace (Absence time) as specified in his/her work schedule;
- Time period which was credited to the employee for the day (Credited time). Credited time refers to the sum of time during which employee was present at his/her workplace and time during which employee was not present at his/her workplace for a good cause (Absence at work).
Detailed report includes information about employee’s working time per day and total employee’s working time for specified time period.
“Extra hours” report
Can be used to analyze all extra hours for each employee per each day of the specified time period. Report results also reflect extra hours limits configured for working schedules. Report includes no extra hours duration of which is less than abovementioned limits. Different time intervals and filters can be configured for employees and departments.
Report is available in brief or detailed form. The brief report includes extra hours, i. e. total time during which an employee was at his/her workplace except working time.
Detailed report includes:
- Start extra hours (time when an employee came to his/her workplace before working time or after working time specified in daily schedule);
- End extra hours (time when an employee left his/her workplace after working time specified in daily schedule or working time);
- Extra hours (i. e. total time during which employee was present at his/her workplace before or after working time; this value refers to difference between end extra hours columns).

Т13 report
Can be used to show attended time using Т-13 standard form. Also, report on daily basis shows when employee was present or absent on the working place.
Report includes:
- Weekends and holidays according to working schedule;
- Each day when employee was present or absent during reporting period;
- Amount of hours worked by the employee per each day of the reporting period;
- Amount of hours credited to the employee for 1/2 month and whole month (1/2 month / month credited hours).
“Violations” report
Violations report on daily basis for specified reporting period shows list of all working schedule violations of an employee and duration of these violations. Report results also reflect violation limits configured for working schedules.
Flexible advanced settings:
- Correction interval for off-hour comings. If during specified time interval at least one transition in either direction (i. e., exit or entry) is detected, this fact confirms an employee off-hour coming and is considered as a reason for exclusion from employee “false” late coming report.
- Excluding days without violation events from the report. In this case the report includes no days without any violation event.
- Excluding employees without violation from the report. In this case the report includes no employees without any violation.
- Excluding days without working schedule from the report. In this case the report includes no weekends, working days without daily work schedule and days of the year working schedule of which has no calendar schedule.
- Including “early leaving” violations into the report. If enabled, early leaving of employees is considered as violation, and this information is included into the report.
- You can configure minimum total time that employees can be absent at the workplace during a single working day, and the system considers this time as truancy and includes this to report in Violation Type column.

Report is available in two forms: brief or detailed. The brief report includes total violation time for an employee during specified time period.
Detailed report includes:
- Violation type (“Late coming” – employee came to his/her workplace after beginning of the working time, “Early leaving” – employee left workplace before ending of the working time, “Absence” – employee was absent during the whole working time interval, “Truancy” – total time during which an employee was absent at his/her workplace during a single working day that exceeds specified value);
- Working time during which violation was detected;
- Due time (time during which an employee was absent at the workplace, but had to be at the workplace according to daily work schedule);
- Actual time (time when employee actually came to workplace in case of later coming or left workplace in case of early leaving);
- Duration (total violation time refers to difference between time values in Due time and Actual time columns);
- Total per day (total violation time per day).